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  • Carnell Smith biography with media coverage and upcoming book.

  • Contact-Us.html

  • CS-tv.html

  • Media photos of Carnell Smith PfV ... TV, Radio, Newspaper, Magazine ... etc

  • Carnell Smith PfV, an impassioned advocate for families, fairness and justice. Founder of US Citizens Against Paternity Fraud, and He lobbied and/or coached victims and advocates in Georgia, Florida, Oregon, Colorado, Wyoming, California, Michigan and other states for paternity fraud legislation

  • Media-Speaks-about.html

  • Carnell Smith's Press releases from a wide variety of sources.

  • Sometimes you will find press releases on the individual company sites, other times there will be an industry body the distributes news releases to all appropriate parties and usually they will make them freely available on their web site.

  • Paternity-Report-Card.html

  • Child Support, Money, Emotions, and Victims of Paternity Fraud: NEW SURVEY from Carnell Smith PfV and Dr Sharon Squires PhD

  • Privacy.html

  • sitemap-page-order.html

  • Social-Impact.html

  • Speaking-Topics.html

  • Carnell Smith share some of his story against Paternity Fraud using DNA testing. The journey to Coach, Advocate, Speaker and Expert Witness has been an inspiration for the Mission Possible Strategist.