Carnell Smith believes that “Truth is a good thing.” 
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The truth has led Carnell Smith to address U.S. legislative hearings in addition to speaking at Administration for Children & Families, National Men’s Equality Congress, Dr Phil Show, MSN-NBC, CBS, NBC, CNN, ABC World News, Fox News, Michael Baisden Show, Michael Smerconish,Tavis Smiley Show, Rev. Al Sharpton Show, PowerTalk w/ Lorraine White, Associated Press, The Harvard Crimson, Review Journal, American Conservative, Reason Magazine, TIME Magazine, Divorce Magazine, Men’s Journal Magazine, Men's Health Magazine, ABA Family Law Quarterly, Georgia State Law Review, Georgia Fatherhood Program,,, and many others.
Why Carnell Smith PfV? He is an impassioned Advocate for families, fairness and justice. He’s a loving husband, father, Engineer and a trail-blazer that …
Took his own case to the US Supreme Court of the United States without an Attorney and after two meetings with the court, they told him "NO". He persisted and won his case using the law that he co-wrote with the Georgia Legislators.
Lobbied for and/or coached victims and advocates across multiple states on HOW-TO create new paternity disestablishment legislation with the critical component
Launched the Citizens Against Paternity Fraud Advocacy group that helped other states 
Founded the former 4TRUTH Identity's DNA Center and provided legal maternity, paternity and immigration testing for 10 years nationwide.
Exposed the impact of paternity fraud on military men and teen boys
Exposed the impact of family law on the Men's Marriage Strike
Launched the renowned website
Authored the GA Senate and DC Paternity Fraud Report

Carnell Smith, the International Advocate/Spokesman for paternity fraud victims and their families to be freed from the archaic laws and legal abuse.
I persisted against the ODDS until I WON, now I help others WIN - Carnell Smith​
TRUST, BUT VERIFY -- John F Kennedy & Ronald Reagan