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  • News Release 2
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Carnell Smith, a victim of paternity fraud and founder of 4TRUTH Identity's DNA Center and U.S. Citizens Against Paternity Fraud, advocates DNA testing at birth, for every child born in the United States.

Smith has worked with Rep. Stanley Watson, Sen. Charlie Tanksley and all of the Georgia legislators to provide relief for people affected by paternity fraud. In fact, Rep. Watson worked for nearly two years to create a law (GA Code 19-7-54) that gives accused fathers the legal right to use DNA paternity testing and if exonerated, the right to be released from child support payments.

Smith is pushing for more laws to protect against paternity fraud and other inequities in family court. On August 10, 2004 from 11:00 am to 12:00 p.m. noon Smith in conjunction with the National Family Justice Association plan a prayer vigil and peaceful demonstration at the Georgia State Capital to educate the public on family court issues and to push for child support reform. For more info, call (330) 534-3510 or visit the NFJA website at

DNA testing at birth would put an end to false paternity claims, which victimize innocent children and trusting men. Smith believes that without DNA testing at birth, the lives of children are potentially at risk from inaccurate family medical history and the loss of their paternal family.

DNA testing at birth makes sense when you consider these facts:

a) 1 out of every 3 men tested is found not to be the biological father of the child in question (according to The American Association of Blood Banks)

b) Men have been forced to pay as much as 66% of their net income for children who ha’ve been proven not to be their biological offspring and;

c) Few states have laws to protect against paternity fraud.


For more information, please see:

 christian science monitor, carnell smith pfv          daily report, carnell smith pfv         mens journal, carnell smith pfv

 associated press, carnell smith pfv    orlando sentinel, carnell smith pfv      national enquirer, carnell smith pfv

  mens health magazine, carnell smith pfv washington post, carnell smith pfvreason magazine, carnell smith pfv 

   washington times, carnell smith pfv



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